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Make your Quarters Count!


My lovely,

Congratulations! You've arrived to the end of the first 12 Weeks of 2024! I hope that it has been fun and rewarding for you, as you have been working on your goals and reaping the results of your hard work!

Since it's the end of the first Quarter, this means that in your planner, you are about to turn the page into your first Quarterly Review for the year. There you will find questions that allow you to check in on your progress, measure what has been working and what isn't, and how you will proceed, in strength, into the next 12 weeks. You will also find a Meditative Coloring Page of beautiful artwork of a Barbadian woman, designed by Shane Eastmond. Take a few moments to pause, color and clear your mind before you dive into your review!

Now, whether you feel like you're well on your way to achieving your first Quarter Goals or you haven't gotten as far as you'd like, I want to share with you a methodology that I subscribe to and is the center of our featured book this week: The 12 Week Year.

The book encourages the methodology of shifting from planning your goals over a 12-month period to condensing your plans to be achieved over a 12-week period. This approach is meant to remove the incidence of confusion, laziness and low productivity and replace it with high-focus, accountability, urgency and measurability.

The book boasts that this approach puts you on a path of achieving profound and speedier results with a level of clarity and impact.

Once you have reflected on the first 12-weeks of 2024 and you have a sense of where you are presently at, here's how you can plan for a successful upcoming quarter using the 12 week year methodology.

  1. Define your vision for the next quarter: Clarify your long-term vision. As yourself, what do you wish to achieve and what is most important? Revisit the Personal Assessment Exercise at the beginning of your planner. From this vision, derive specific, measurable goals for the next 12 weeks. The goals should be ambitious enough to motivate you but realistic enough to achieve within the timeframe.

  2. Break down your goals: One you have your 12-week goals, break them down into smaller, actionable tasks. Each task should move you closer to your goals, allowing you to track your progress and maintain momentum.

  3. Plan your weeks meticulously: Allocate each of your goals and tasks to specific weeks within the 12-week period. It is important that there is balance, so that each week maintains a manageable workload that moves steadily towards achieving your big main goals.

  4. Establish daily actions: Once you have established your weekly tasks, break them down further into daily actions. Using this granular planning, allows you to build daily habits and integrate your ambitions into your daily life.

  5. Manage your days with time-blocking: This is one of the most effective productivity tools that allows you to manage your productive time. Set clear time blocks to achieve your daily tasks, to remove distractions and ensure focus so that you consistently progress to meet your weekly targets.

  6. Prioritize your tasks: Schedule your most important or impactful tasks to be tackled at the beginning of your week or day, when your energy is highest.

  7. Track and measure your weekly progress: Review what you accomplish at the end of each week, to give yourself evidence of progress. This will also keep you confident and motivated.

  8. Adjust quickly and accordingly: As you take stock of your weekly progress, note what is working and what is not. Where things aren't working adjust quickly and accordingly.

  9. Establish your accountability system/partner: Studies show that you have a 95% chance of achieving your goals with an accountability partner/system. You are more likely to be committed and motivated, while also receiving feedback.

  10. Acknowledge your achievements: Taking a moment to celebrate the wins, allows you to revel in your progress, take pride in your actions and truly acknowledge the effectiveness of your strategy and hard work. This will build your confidence and keep you locked into achieving your big main goals.

  11. Reflect and learn: Reflect on any setbacks or challenges you encounter. Instead of viewing them as failures, see them as learning opportunities and identify what you can do differently moving forward. Adaptability will be your superpower. Embrace it.

Now that you have the approach, I hope you set out to implement for this upcoming 2nd Quarter. Use your BE DO BECOME Yearly Planner to map out your weekly targets and daily actions. You can also use the daily tracker at the bottom of your weekly pages as an accountability tool.

It's time to look ahead with fierce determination and get started on next quarter goals!



AFFIRMATION: "I open my heart to loving myself more. The more I love myself, the more loving I am to others and the stronger I become."

QUOTE: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." - John 13:34


My lovely, I've been thinking and need your input.

When I started this newsletter, I wanted to create a space of value that allowed you to continuously learn in the topics of productivity and personal development, while keeping you accountable to using your planner and obtaining the full benefit that it can bring to your life, dreams and goals!

For some time, I have been feeling more that I would love to create a way for us to engage and exchange through our newsletter and a community. The goal would be to give you a space where you can comment on newsletters, ask questions, connect with like-minded communities members, arrange monthly calls, while being motivated and held accountable in achieving your goals.

If you are interested, I'd love for you to vote on the poll below.

Would you pay for a Weekly Newsletter + Community, where you can engage, have monthly calls, comment on newsletters and ask developmental questions?

  • Yes! $5 per month for Weekly Newsletter + Community

  • The Newsletter is valuable as is. I don't need more.

  • I am indifferent.


Our featured book for the week: The 12 Week Year: Get more done in 12 Weeks than Others do in 12 months by Brian Morgan and Michael Lennington. Get your copy here.


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